Kindly by Kidly

Kindly by Kidly

Kidly Academy is a school of emotions

Kidly Academy is a school of emotions

Kidly Academy is a school of emotions

Kidly Academy is a school of emotions, where we offer professional psychological, pedagogical, and therapeutic support for children attending schools and kindergartens, as well as assistance for parents in the educational and upbringing process.

Kidly Academy is a school of emotions, where we offer professional psychological, pedagogical, and therapeutic support for children attending schools and kindergartens, as well as assistance for parents in the educational and upbringing process.

Kidly Academy is a school of emotions, where we offer professional psychological, pedagogical, and therapeutic support for children attending schools and kindergartens, as well as assistance for parents in the educational and upbringing process.

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Contact us

Two young people working on a project together.
Two young people working on a project together.

What do we do?

What do we do?

What do we do?

School of emotions,
School of emotions,
School of emotions,

At Kidly Academy, we focus on emotional, social, and cognitive development. We cultivate future skills, helping children and young people overcome difficulties and adapt to the rapidly changing world, which increasingly demands from everyone:

mental resilience


perseverance in goals

courage, including setting personal goals

communication and cooperation skills

a sense of agency




Where are we?



Kids&Co Kindergarten,
Office building D48 st. Domaniewska 48,
02-672, Warsaw

Kids&Co Kindergarten,
Office building D48 st., Domaniewska 48,
02-672, Warsaw

Contact us

Contact us



Kids&Co Kindergarten,
Powiśle Power Plant, Building A
st. Zajęcza 4,
00-351, Warsaw

Contact us

Contact us



GPX Przedszkole Kids&Co, Biurowiec GPX,
ul. Prosta 36,
00-838, Warszawa

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Contact us

Przedszkole Kids&Co

Przedszkole Kids&Co

Biurowiec Spire,
ul. Wronia 31,
00-846, Warszawa

Contact us

Contact us

for Children

Group Therapies

6 m.o.–6 y.o.


50 minutes

Program was created based on the principles of sensory integration theory by an experienced educator and sensory integration therapist.

Course duration: unlimited

Language: Polish and English

Price: 65 PLN

4-6 years

Art Therapy

50 minutes

Art therapy enables children to express their emotions and needs.Art therapy incorporates elements of visual arts, music, dance, as well as drama and bibliotherapy.

Course duration: unlimited

Language: Polish and English

Price: 65 PLN in Polish, 85 PLN in English

4-10 years

Social Skills Training

50 minutes

Social Skills Training (SST) is a form of group therapy that supports the emotional andsocial development of children.

Course duration: 12-16 sessions

Language: Polish or English

Price: 120 PLN in Polish, 140 PLN in English

6-12 years

ADHD Therapy Program

50 min

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder with a genetic basis. It is associated with specific development of the central nervous system, affecting both the brain's biochemistry and its structure.

Course Duration: 16 sessions

Language: Polish or English

Price: 110 PLN in Polish, 125 PLN in English

7-10 years

Applied Drama for Children

90 min

Drama classes focus on four areas of child development: psychomotor, cognitive, emotional, and social. The instructor follows the needs of the participants, adjusting the exercises to the specific groups members.

Course duration: school year

Language: Polish or English

100 PLN in Polish, 130 PLN in English

11-14 years

Workshop: Mental Resilience

90 min

Working on Resources, Self-regulation, and Stress Management. Mental resilience is the ability to recover from failures and navigate challenging, often unfavorable, conditions.

Course duration: 12 sessions

Language: Polish or English

Price: 150 PLN in Polish, 200 PLN in English

11-14 years

Workshop: Assertiveness

90 min

The workshops involve psychoeducation, discussions, and group work where participants learn various techniques to build self-confidence, communicate effectively, and form healthyrelationships.

Course duration: 12 sessions

Language: Polish or English

Price: 150 PLN in Polish, 200 PLN in English

12-15 years

Group Therapy – Solution-Focused Therapy

90 min

Solution-Focused Therapy aims to address stressful situations by finding solutions that help individuals feel better. It focuses on activating internal resources and emphasizes the present and future.

Course Duration: School year

Language: Polish

Price: 135 PLN

12-15 years

Group Therapy – Emotion Regulation

90 min

The therapy operates under the belief that every behavior has positive intentions, and individuals make the best decisions available to them at the moment.

Course Duration: School year

Language: Polish

Price: 135 PLN

for Children

Group Therapies

6 m.o.–6 y.o.


50 minutes

Program was created based on the principles of sensory integration theory by an experienced educator and sensory integration therapist.

Course duration: unlimited

Language: Polish and English

Price: 65 PLN

4-6 years

Art Therapy

50 minutes

Art therapy enables children to express their emotions and needs.Art therapy incorporates elements of visual arts, music, dance, as well as drama and bibliotherapy.

Course duration: unlimited

Language: Polish and English

Price: 65 PLN in Polish, 85 PLN in English

4-10 years

Social Skills Training

50 minutes

Social Skills Training (SST) is a form of group therapy that supports the emotional andsocial development of children.

Course duration: 12-16 sessions

Language: Polish or English

Price: 120 PLN in Polish, 140 PLN in English

6-12 years

ADHD Therapy Program

50 min

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder with a genetic basis. It is associated with specific development of the central nervous system, affecting both the brain's biochemistry and its structure.

Course Duration: 16 sessions

Language: Polish or English

Price: 110 PLN in Polish, 125 PLN in English

7-10 years

Applied Drama for Children

90 min

Drama classes focus on four areas of child development: psychomotor, cognitive, emotional, and social. The instructor follows the needs of the participants, adjusting the exercises to the specific groups members.

Course duration: school year

Language: Polish or English

100 PLN in Polish, 130 PLN in English

11-14 years

Workshop: Mental Resilience

90 min

Working on Resources, Self-regulation, and Stress Management. Mental resilience is the ability to recover from failures and navigate challenging, often unfavorable, conditions.

Course duration: 12 sessions

Language: Polish or English

Price: 150 PLN in Polish, 200 PLN in English

11-14 years

Workshop: Assertiveness

90 min

The workshops involve psychoeducation, discussions, and group work where participants learn various techniques to build self-confidence, communicate effectively, and form healthyrelationships.

Course duration: 12 sessions

Language: Polish or English

Price: 150 PLN in Polish, 200 PLN in English

12-15 years

Group Therapy – Solution-Focused Therapy

90 min

Solution-Focused Therapy aims to address stressful situations by finding solutions that help individuals feel better. It focuses on activating internal resources and emphasizes the present and future.

Course Duration: School year

Language: Polish

Price: 135 PLN

12-15 years

Group Therapy – Emotion Regulation

90 min

The therapy operates under the belief that every behavior has positive intentions, and individuals make the best decisions available to them at the moment.

Course Duration: School year

Language: Polish

Price: 135 PLN

for Children

Group Therapies

6 m.o.–6 y.o.


50 minutes

Program was created based on the principles of sensory integration theory by an experienced educator and sensory integration therapist.

Course duration: unlimited

Language: Polish and English

Price: 65 PLN

4-6 years

Art Therapy

50 minutes

Art therapy enables children to express their emotions and needs.Art therapy incorporates elements of visual arts, music, dance, as well as drama and bibliotherapy.

Course duration: unlimited

Language: Polish and English

Price: 65 PLN in Polish, 85 PLN in English

4-10 years

Social Skills Training

50 minutes

Social Skills Training (SST) is a form of group therapy that supports the emotional andsocial development of children.

Course duration: 12-16 sessions

Language: Polish or English

Price: 120 PLN in Polish, 140 PLN in English

6-12 years

ADHD Therapy Program

50 min

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder with a genetic basis. It is associated with specific development of the central nervous system, affecting both the brain's biochemistry and its structure.

Course Duration: 16 sessions

Language: Polish or English

Price: 110 PLN in Polish, 125 PLN in English

7-10 years

Applied Drama for Children

90 min

Drama classes focus on four areas of child development: psychomotor, cognitive, emotional, and social. The instructor follows the needs of the participants, adjusting the exercises to the specific groups members.

Course duration: school year

Language: Polish or English

100 PLN in Polish, 130 PLN in English

11-14 years

Workshop: Mental Resilience

90 min

Working on Resources, Self-regulation, and Stress Management. Mental resilience is the ability to recover from failures and navigate challenging, often unfavorable, conditions.

Course duration: 12 sessions

Language: Polish or English

Price: 150 PLN in Polish, 200 PLN in English

11-14 years

Workshop: Assertiveness

90 min

The workshops involve psychoeducation, discussions, and group work where participants learn various techniques to build self-confidence, communicate effectively, and form healthyrelationships.

Course duration: 12 sessions

Language: Polish or English

Price: 150 PLN in Polish, 200 PLN in English

12-15 years

Group Therapy – Solution-Focused Therapy

90 min

Solution-Focused Therapy aims to address stressful situations by finding solutions that help individuals feel better. It focuses on activating internal resources and emphasizes the present and future.

Course Duration: School year

Language: Polish

Price: 135 PLN

12-15 years

Group Therapy – Emotion Regulation

90 min

The therapy operates under the belief that every behavior has positive intentions, and individuals make the best decisions available to them at the moment.

Course Duration: School year

Language: Polish

Price: 135 PLN

for Children

Group Therapies

6 m.o.–6 y.o.


50 minutes

Program was created based on the principles of sensory integration theory by an experienced educator and sensory integration therapist.

Course duration: unlimited

Language: Polish and English

Price: 65 PLN

4-6 years

Art Therapy

50 minutes

Art therapy enables children to express their emotions and needs.Art therapy incorporates elements of visual arts, music, dance, as well as drama and bibliotherapy.

Course duration: unlimited

Language: Polish and English

Price: 65 PLN in Polish, 85 PLN in English

4-10 years

Social Skills Training

50 minutes

Social Skills Training (SST) is a form of group therapy that supports the emotional andsocial development of children.

Course duration: 12-16 sessions

Language: Polish or English

Price: 120 PLN in Polish, 140 PLN in English

6-12 years

ADHD Therapy Program

50 min

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder with a genetic basis. It is associated with specific development of the central nervous system, affecting both the brain's biochemistry and its structure.

Course Duration: 16 sessions

Language: Polish or English

Price: 110 PLN in Polish, 125 PLN in English

7-10 years

Applied Drama for Children

90 min

Drama classes focus on four areas of child development: psychomotor, cognitive, emotional, and social. The instructor follows the needs of the participants, adjusting the exercises to the specific groups members.

Course duration: school year

Language: Polish or English

100 PLN in Polish, 130 PLN in English

11-14 years

Workshop: Mental Resilience

90 min

Working on Resources, Self-regulation, and Stress Management. Mental resilience is the ability to recover from failures and navigate challenging, often unfavorable, conditions.

Course duration: 12 sessions

Language: Polish or English

Price: 150 PLN in Polish, 200 PLN in English

11-14 years

Workshop: Assertiveness

90 min

The workshops involve psychoeducation, discussions, and group work where participants learn various techniques to build self-confidence, communicate effectively, and form healthyrelationships.

Course duration: 12 sessions

Language: Polish or English

Price: 150 PLN in Polish, 200 PLN in English

12-15 years

Group Therapy – Solution-Focused Therapy

90 min

Solution-Focused Therapy aims to address stressful situations by finding solutions that help individuals feel better. It focuses on activating internal resources and emphasizes the present and future.

Course Duration: School year

Language: Polish

Price: 135 PLN

12-15 years

Group Therapy – Emotion Regulation

90 min

The therapy operates under the belief that every behavior has positive intentions, and individuals make the best decisions available to them at the moment.

Course Duration: School year

Language: Polish

Price: 135 PLN

for kids

Individual Therapy Services

Sensory Integration Therapy
Hand Therapy
Psychoterapia dla
Psychological Therapy for Children
Psychotherapy for Adolescents
Trening umiejętności dla dzieci i młodzieży z ADHD
Skills Training for Children and Adolescents with ADHD

Contact us

Diagnosis Overview

We provide comprehensive diagnostic assessments for:

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)



Emotional Disorders

Developmental and Sensory Integration Disorders

School Readiness

For Parents

Cycle of Trainings and Workshops for Parents

For Parents

Cycle of Trainings and Workshops for Parents

Age Groups:

We offer regular training sessions and workshops for parents of children of various ages.

Sign up for a specific group to receive notifications about new trainings, where knowledge in the fields of psychology, speech therapy, nutrition, and clinical issues will be shared.

Oferujemy regularne szkolenia i warsztaty dla rodziców dzieci w różnym wieku. 

Zapisz się do konkretnej grupy, aby dostawać powiadomienia o nowych szkoleniach, podczas których przekazywana będzie wiedza z zakresu psychologii, zagadnień logopedycznych, dietetycznych i klinicznych

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pregnancy -
Child aged 2.5 years

pregnancy -
Child aged 2.5 years

Pregnancy, newborn, nursery

Pregnancy, newborn, nursery

3-6 years old

3-6 years old



7-12 years old

7-12 years old

school age

school age

13-18 years old

13-18 years old



Action Plan

How to Get Started?

  1. Schedule a Free Consultation

Book a complimentary 15-minute phone consultation with an experienced child psychologist.

  1. Understand Needs and Set Goals

During the initial phone consultation, we will address all your questions and take the time to understand your goals and needs.

  1. Develop an Action Plan

Together, we will create a personalized action plan and recommend the best solutions for your family.

Contact us

Contact us

Contact us

Are you interested in activities for your child?

Don't delay! Call us or leave your details. We will contact you within 24 hours

Contact us

Are you interested in activities for your child?

Don't delay! Call us or leave your details. We will contact you within 24 hours

Contact us

Are you interested in activities for your child?

Don't delay! Call us or leave your details. We will contact you within 24 hours


Company details


Office building D48,
st. Domaniewska 48,
02-672, Warsaw

Powiśle Power Plant, Building st. Zajęcza 4,
00-351, Warsaw

City Centre, GPX Kids&Co Kindergarten, GPX Office Building, ul. Prosta 36, ​​00-838, Warsaw

Kids&Co Kindergarten, Spire Office Building, ul. Wronia 31, 00-846, Warsaw

NIP: 8212671482

Kidly by Levitate and KIDS&Co.

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Contact us if you have any questions

Designed by


Company details


Office building D48,
st. Domaniewska 48,
02-672, Warsaw

Powiśle Power Plant, Building st. Zajęcza 4,
00-351, Warsaw

City Centre, GPX Kids&Co Kindergarten, GPX Office Building, ul. Prosta 36, ​​00-838, Warsaw

Kids&Co Kindergarten, Spire Office Building, ul. Wronia 31, 00-846, Warsaw

NIP: 8212671482

Kidly by Levitate and KIDS&Co.

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Contact us if you have any questions

Designed by


Company details


Office building D48,
st. Domaniewska 48,
02-672, Warsaw

Powiśle Power Plant, Building st. Zajęcza 4,
00-351, Warsaw

City Centre, GPX Kids&Co Kindergarten, GPX Office Building, ul. Prosta 36, ​​00-838, Warsaw

Kids&Co Kindergarten, Spire Office Building, ul. Wronia 31, 00-846, Warsaw

NIP: 8212671482

Kidly by Levitate and KIDS&Co.

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Contact us if you have any questions

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